Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Going Green

Remember Captain Planet? You know - the one which went along the lines of "he's a blunder - going to screw things up as and when needed?" Well apparently thats the iPhone theme. However, lets not get into that - news for those in regions where electricity is a commodity of greater value than a pirates treasure (Karachi, Pakistan being a prime example), Lenovo is attempting to be a potential lifesaver. The "Blue Sky" can, and will be solar powered. Psyched aren't you? Now lets come back down to Earth shall we? The thing just allows 45W...huh? wah? Surely there's a typo - reckon I've skipped a 0 there, or maybe even a 'k'? Nope - sorry to pull the trampoline out from under you, but yea - 45W it is - so lets all rejoice at the fact that we have laptop batteries that can last a few hours, which, sadly speaking, the same cannot be said about our delightful DSL providers!

Seeing that I did mention the iPhone earlier, further to the hardware crack that according to Giz was rather restricted, there are now confirmed reports of a software based crack that works. And you know what? Its free...F-R-E-E! Sigh, given the commotion that preceded the iPhone, one has to wonder why its attracting negative publicity since its introduction. Sadly, on a more tepid note, Krispy Kreme is still struggling in the red...dangit - somebody save it!

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